![]() TM 10-7200-200-13
Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
Water Cans. To prepare the 5-gallon water cans.
for storage, remove the cap and turn upside down in
This manual is for your use in maintaining the five
a clean dry area. Allow the cans to drain and air dry
gallon military cans and can case.
completely. After the cans are completely dry,
reinstall the caps and store the cans upright in a clean
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records
dry area.
Maintenance forms and records that you are required
to use are explained in DA PAM 738-750.
d. Stacking Instructions. For stacking instruc-
tions of the 5-gallon cans, refer to TM 10-1101.
1-3. Destruction of Army Materiel to
Prevent Enemy Use
1-5. Reporting of Errors
Procedures to be used for destruction of the equip-
ment to prevent enemy use are in TM 750-244-3.
You can improve this manual by calling attention to
errors and by recommending improvements, using
1-4. Administrative Storage
DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publica-
tions) or by a letter, and mail directly to the Com-
a. General. For administrative storage instruc-
mander, U.S. Army Troop Support Command, ATTN:
tions, refer to TM 740-90-1.
AMSTR-MCTS 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St.
Louis, Missouri 63120-1798. A reply will be furnish-
b. Gasoline Cans. For additional storage instruc-
ed direct to you.
tions for gasoline cans, refer to TM 743-200 and TB
Section Il.
1-6. General
b. Assembly Group, Column (2). This column con-
tains a brief description of the components of each
a. This section provides a general explanation of
assembly group.
all maintenance and repair functions authorized at
various maintenance levels.
Maintenance Functions, Column (3). This col-
umn lists the various maintenance functions (A
through K). The lowest maintenance level authorized
Section IV of Chapter 5 designate overall responsibili-
to perform these functions are indicated by a symbol
ty for the performance of maintenance functions on
in the appropriate column. The symbol designations
the identified end item or component. The implemen-
for the various maintenance levels are as follows:
tation of the maintenance functions upon the end item
or component will be consistent with the assigned
C--Operator or crew
maintenance functions.
O--Organizational maintenance
F--Direct support maintenance
c. Part I I contains supplemental instructions, ex-
H--General support maintenance
planatory notes, and/or illustrations required for a
D--Depot maintenance
particular maintenance function.
The maintenance functions are defined as follows:
1-7. Explanation of Columns in Section
A--Inspect: To determine serviceability of an item
V of Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 6 and
by comparing its physical, mechanical, and electrical
Section IV of Chapter 5
characteristics with established standards.
a. Group Number, Column (l). The assembly group
B Test: To verify serviceability y and to detect elec-
is a numerical group assigned to each assembly in a
trical or mechanical failure by use of test equipment.
top down breakdown sequence. The applicable
CService: To clean, to preserve, to charge, and to
assembly groups are listed on the MAC in
add fuel, lubricants, cooling agents, and air.
D--Adjust: To rectify to the extent necessary to
disassembly sequence beginning with the first
assembly removed in a top down disassembly
bring into proper operating range.
Change 2 1-1
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