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TM 10-5430-242-12&P
0005 00
Change 1
0005 00-18
e. 2nd Fold: Lift up same edge as in Fold #4, and fold back over previous folds. Handles should be
facing upward along top edge of fold. (Pulling on these handles will open up the tank, due to the
wig-wag method of folding.)
(For 3K and 10K Tanks only) Go to the upper edge of the tank. The tank is now folded into a long
narrow rectangle approximately 45 inches (114.3 cm) wide. Standing at the upper edge of the
tank, there will be a drain fitting on your left and handles on your right.
g. (For 20K and 50K Tank only) Go to the upper edge of the tank. The tank is now folded into a
long narrow rectangle approximately 5 feet, 6 inches (1.676 m) wide by 65 feet, 6 inches (19.96
m) long. Standing at the upper edge of the tank, there will be a drain fitting on your left and
handles on your right.
h. (All tanks) 1st Fold: Pick up the end edge of the tank and fold it over to just before the fitting
chafing patches, such that the fold measures approximately 4 feet, 3 inches (1.295 m).
(3K Tank only) 2nd Fold: Fold the entire lower edge of the package up and on top of the upper
edge of the package. Go to Step 6.
(For 10K, 20K and 50K Tanks) 2nd Fold: Fold the tank over again, such that the second fold
reaches the edge of the 3rd handle and measures 4 feet, 7 inches (1.397 m), approximately.
k. (For 20K and 50K Tanks) 3rd Fold: Fold tank over again, approximately 5 feet (1.524 m).