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TM 10-4930-239-12&P WARNING DEATH or SEVERE INJURY can occur from fire and explosion of fuels. Spilled  fuel  can  ignite  or  explode  and  cause  serious  injury  or  death  to operating  personnel.    To  avoid  fire  and  explosion  during  all  fuel  spill cleanup procedures: DO NOT allow any flame producing material within 100 feet of the FSSP. DO NOT smoke or allow smoking during refueling operations. DO NOT allow fuel to drip onto hot surfaces. DO NOT refuel equipment while its engine is running. DO  NOT  allow spilled fuel to come into contact with exposed skin. ALWAYS wear gloves when cleaning up a fuel spill. DO NOT allow spilled fuel to get into eyes.  ALWAYS  wear goggles when cleaning up any fuel spill. (2) Small Priming Spills.  A small priming spill is not usually dangerous.  Use the spill kit's bag of granular sorbent (5) to spread over the spill.  Dig up the sorbent and contaminated soil using the 2-piece non-sparking shovel (8) and place the sorbent and soil into plastic disposal bags (9).  Use tie strips (10) to seal the bags.  Store and transport the bags in the 55 gallon drums (11) marked with the "Hazardous Material" caution plate (12).  A fire guard should stand by the spill area with a fire extinguisher until the cleanup operation is completed. WARNING DEATH or SEVERE INJURY can occur from fire and explosion of fuels. Spilled  fuel  can  ignite  or  explode  and  cause  serious  injury  or  death  to operating  personnel.    To  avoid  fire  and  explosion  during  all  fuel  spill cleanup procedures: DO NOT allow any flame producing material within 100 feet of the FSSP. DO NOT smoke or allow smoking during refueling operations. DO NOT allow fuel to drip onto hot surfaces. DO NOT refuel equipment while its engine is running. DO NOT  allow spilled fuel to come into contact with exposed skin. ALWAYS wear gloves when cleaning up a fuel spill. DO NOT allow spilled fuel to get into eyes.  ALWAYS wear goggles when cleaning up any fuel spill. DO NOT use rags to clean up the spill if low flash point fuel such as AVGAS or JP-4. (3) Small Spills.  Stop operation at the spill site, and post a fire guard with a fire extinguisher by the spill.  First use the spill kit's 10 foot long enclosed oil sorbants (4) which are filled with loose sorbent material to contain the spill by forming a dike around it. 2-12.2   CHANGE 1

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