![]() TM 10-4320-202-15
d. Installation. Install
the muffler and
3-38. Muffler and Piping
piping (fig. 3-19).
3-39. Crankcase Breather
muffler and piping removal.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean the exhaust system parts with
b. Cleaning and Ispection.
approved cleaning solvent. Take care to re-
(1) Clean crankcase breather by im-
move carbon from inside of piping and muffler.
(2) Inspect the muffler for cracks, dents,
mersing in approved cleaning solvent and shake
holes or other damage that may contribute to
( 2 ) Inspect breather for damage. The
leakage or restriction of exhaust gases.
breather cap must be free and unobstructed.
(3) Inspect all other parts for cracks,
c. Installation. Install the crankcase breath-
worn or damaged threads, corrosion, excessive
er (fig. 3-19).
heat, and other damage.
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