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TM 10-3835-231-13
4 To (41). Open 4A, (38), (39), and (42).
(c) Open valve (4A), (4B), or (4C) and (14A), (14B), or (14C) to the appropriate meter skid assembly (15A),
(15B), or (15C) and promptly close valve (3). Fuel will flow through the route selected.
(d) Close valves (1) and (2).
(4) Receive fuel from a tanker-truck as follows:
(a) Reset meter (15A), (15B), or (15C) as appropriate to zero or record the reading.
(b) Open valves in the hoseline route to appropriate tank.
1 To (31). Open 4A, (32), (33), and (34).
2 To (35). Open 4A, (32), (33), and (36).
3 To (37). Open 4A, (38), (39), and (40).
4 To (41). Open 4A, (38), (39), and (42).
(c) Connect the supply tanker-truck (or trucks) to the couplings outboard of valve (16), (17), (18), or (19).
(d) Open the appropriate valve (20), (21), (22), or (23).
(e) Open valves (24), (25), (26), (27), and (28).
(f) Start pump (29) and open valve (30).
Do not allow truck to move away without disconnecting the hoseline. A spill could
(g) When the transfer is complete, shut down the pump (29) and close all valves. Disconnect the tanker-