![]() TB 703-2
the 1-quart oil sampler. The bulb has a capacity of
may not occur and the concentration may vary and be
approximately 85 milliliters and is equipped with a check
less than optimum.
valve at each end.
6. Sampling and Detection of Covert Identified
(a) Separate lengths of plastic tubing
provide a means to take samples of covert identified
are cut and affixed to the valve stems. The tubing on
the suction side of the bulb should be of sufficient length
to extend below the surface of the fuel to be withdrawn.
b. Sampling Procedure.
The tubing on the discharge side
(1) The 1-quart oil sampler (item 1, table 3) is
should be of sufficient length to transfer the fuel sample
used to remove fuels to be tested from large bulk
into a graduated cylinder.
storage containers, tank trucks, rail cars, and barges.
The sampler is a weighted metal round 3/4 inch
(b) Lower the suction tubing into the
diameter beaker with a stoppered opening at the top and
container from which a fuel sample is to be taken. The
lowering rope. The lowering rope is attached through
suction tubing should extend below the fuel surface.
the stopper so that with a quick jerk the sampler can be
Fully squeeze bulb and allow product to be drawn into
opened at any point beneath the surface of the product.
bulb chamber. Squeeze bulb to transfer sample to
To take a sample, place the cork in the 3% inch opening
graduated cylinder.
and lower sampler to the bottom of the tank. While
(3) The bung wrench (item 4, table 3) is used
sample is setting on the bottom of the tank, jerk the rope
to open varied type and size closures of 55-gallon steel
to remove stopper and raise sampler at a uniform rate
of speed such that the sampler is about 3/4 full when
(4) Representative samples are prerequisites
withdrawn from the fuel.
for detection tests and positive identification that
(2) The pressure and circulating bulb (item 2,
sampled fuel was stolen or illegally diverted from
military supply channels. All sampling equipment must
to take samples from small containers, such as 5-gallon
be clean. Since covert identification agents have a
cans, 55-gallon drums, fuel tanks of automotive vehicles
residual characteristic, sampling equipment should be
and from other containers which cannot accept
thoroughly rinsed with unmarked fuel before used to
take samples of fuels from other containers.
Table 3
Sampler Oil, 1-qt. Cap
Bulb, Pressure and Circulating
$ 1.20
Tubing, Tygon Plastic 3/8 inch ID
$ 1.00
10 ft Length
Wrench, Bung
$ 6.10
Cylinder, Graduated Plastic O10MI
$ 1.90
Bottle, Screw Top Plastic 402
* Forward requisitions for this item to the applicable General Service Agency Support Center.
(3) Pour 10-milliliters of the extractant agent
(item 7, table 1) into the graduated cylinder previously
5 and 6, Table 3 are required to determine presence of
used to 100 measure milliliters of the sampled fuel. The
covert identification in samples of petroleum fuels.
graduated cylinder should be thoroughly rinsed with
d. Detection Procedure.
unmarked fuel and dried before receiving the extractant
(1) After a sample of the fuel to be tested is
agent. For ease of handling, the extractant agent may
obtained, transfer 100-milliliters of the fuel from the oil
be transferred from the 1-gallon container into a 4-ounce
sampler or pressure and circulating bulb into the
bottle which the investigator can use at the place of test.
100milliliter graduated plastic cylinder (item 5, table 3).
(4) Add the 10-milliliters of extractant agent
(2) Pour the 100-milliliters of fuel from the
to the 4-ounce plastic bottle containing the fuel to be
graduated cylinder into a 4-ounce plastic bottle (item 2,
tested. Place top on the bottle and tighten.
table 4). The bottle will be filled to about one inch of the
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