TM 5-6640-214-14-HR
3. Explanation of Blocks and Columns (DA Form
2062). Refer to DA PAM 710-2-1 Chapter 6 Additional
with a price in excess of
information required to complete DA Form 2062 is listed
.00 not already "N".
for Expendable:
Items regardless of type
a. Hand receipts shall identify the accounting
classification or price and
requirement status of Column C. One of the following
which are consumed in use.
Accounting Requirement Codes (ARC) will apply.
Includes all class 9 repair
parts. Items not consumed
for Nonexpendable:
Items not consumed in use,
in use which cost 00 or
less and not already "N" or
during use, and requiring
maintained throughout the
b. Authorization documents are as follows'
life of the item.
(1) Components of End Item (COEI) are
for Durable: N o n c o n s u
authorized by the applicable Repair Parts and Special
m a b I e components of
Tools List (RPSTI,).
sets, kits, outfits, and
assemblages; all tools in
(2) Basic Issue Items (BII) are authorized by the
FSC's 5110, 5120, 5130,
applicable operator's manual.
5133, 5136, 5140, 5180,
5210, 5220 and 5280: and
(3) Additional Authorization List (AAL) items are
any other nonconsumable
authorized by appropriate MTOE, TDA, CTA, or JTA
authorization documents