TM 5-5430-226-12
a. Site selection must consider where and in what configuration the water tank will be used within the water
distribution system. Siting and installation of the water distribution system will limit where the water tank can be setup.
Refer to applicable system manual for specific water tank siting requirements.
b. Site selected must be level and free of rocks, sticks, gravel, and debris.
The water tank may be packed in a reusable container, wooden crate or cardboard box when
a. If the 20K Gallon Collapsible Fabric Tank is received as part of the 40K Water Distribution System, tank will be
packed in a reusable container. Refer to TM 10-4610-234-13 for specific unpacking instructions.
b. If the water tank is received in a wooden shipping crate, proceed as follows:
Cut banding straps from crate.
Remove top from crate.
Position crate on its side and roll tank from crate. Use care to avoid damaging tank.
Remove tank components from crate.
a. Inspect the equipment for damage incurred during shipment. If the equipment has been damaged, report the
damage on DD Form 6, Packaging Improvement Report.
b. Unwrap and examine components to ensure they are in serviceable condition.
c. Check the equipment against the packing slip to see if the shipment is complete. Report all discrepancies in
accordance with instructions of DA PAM 738-750.
d. Check to see if equipment has been modified.
e. Remove all protective compounds and covering such as wax paper, waterproof tape, and barrier material.
Remove preservatives and greases from unpainted, threaded, or exposed surfaces.
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