| |
Remove nails and bolts from crate side and crate ends (6); remove
crate sides and ends.
e .
Remove all accessories (7), including two hoses (8), from around
folded tank (2).
The tank lifting device must have a minimum lifting capacity of
2,000 lb (908 kg).
f .
C a r e f u l l y r o l l f o l d e d t a n k ( 2 ) o n t o l i f t i n g d e v i c e .
g .
T r a n s p o r t t a n k a n d p o s i t i o n f o r i n s t a l l a t i o n .
2-5.3 Unfolding the Task
The tank is folded toward the center and rolled along the length
TM 5-5430-219-13
a .
c .
2 - 5 .4
Place folded tank at one end of lengthwise prepared surface. Center
folded tank in widthwise direction.
Remove ties that hold folded tank together.
Unroll tank along lengthwise dimension.
Unfold tank sides from center.
Figure 2-5.
Installed Drain Plug
Remove of Drain Assembly Plug and Installation of Drain Hose
Assembly. (See figure 2-5.)