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TM 5-5430-218-13
(16) Place tank and components in crate.
Tank Storage.
Ensure that tank is clean and dry before storing.
tank and components should be placed in the appropriate shipping crate.
I f p o s s i b l e, store the crated tank in a ventilated building or warehouse.
Observe the following storage criteria:
(1) Storage area temperatures should remain between -25°F to +125°F
(-32°C to +52°C).
( 2 ) S t o r e i n o r i g i n a l s h i p p i n g c r a t e i f p o s s i b l e .
(3) Store crated tank in cool , dark, and dry area.
I f i n d o o r s t o r a g e s p a c e i s n o t a v a i l a b l e , s t o r e t h e c r a t e d
tanks on an open hardstand, if available. When storing tanks
on unimproved surfaces,
select a well drained area without
excessive vegetation.
Storage should provide maximum protection from the elements
and allow easy access for inventory, inspection, and mainte-
The storage arrangement and layout should be com-
patible with operational deployment requirements.
(4) Mark the crate exterior to allow ease of equipment inventory.