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Page Title: Explanation of Columns in the MAC, Section H
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k.  Rebuild.  Consists   of   those   services/actions necessary for the restoration of unserviceable equip- ment  to  a  like  new  condition  in  accordance  with original  manufacturing  standards.  Rebuild  is  the highest  degree  of  materiel  maintenance  applied  to Army  equipment.  The  rebuild  operation  includes  the act  of  returning  to  zero  those  age  measurements (hours/miles,  etc.)  considered  in  classifying  Army equipment/components. D-4. Explanation of Columns in the MAC, Section H a. Column (1), Group Number.  Column 1 lists func- tional group code numbers which are assigned to iden- tify  maintenance  significant  components,  assemblies, subassemblies,  and  modules  to  their  next  higher assembly. b.  Column  (2),  Component/Assembly.  Column  2 contains the item names of components, assemblies, subassemblies, and modules for which group numbers (column 1) are assigned and for which maintenance is authorized. c.  Column  (3),  Maintenance  Function.  Column  3 lists the functions to be performed on items listed in column  2.  (Function  definitions  are  contained  in paragraph D-3.) d. Column  (4),  Maintenance  Level.  T h e maintenance levels, Unit, Intermediate, and Depot, are allotted separate subcolumns within column 4. Entry of a work time figure (such as 1.0, 0.2) in a sub- column  indicates  that  that  level  is  authorized  to  per- form the function listed in column 3, and the average time  required  to  do  the  function  is  the  work  time figure. If the number or complexity of tasks within a maintenance function varies from one maintenance level to another, the applicable work time figure for each  level  will  be  entered  for  that  function.  The  work time figure represents the average time it takes to restore  a  component/assembly  to  a  serviceable  condi- tion under a typical field operating environment. TM  5-4930-226-12&P e. Column (5), Tools and Equipment.  Column 5 specifies, by code, common tool sets (not individual tools from those sets), common TMDE, and special tools,  TMDE,  and  support  equipment  required  to  per- form  a  designated  function.  The  code  in  Column  5 keys to the listing in Section III of the MAC. f.  Column  (6),  Remarks.  This  column,  when  ap- plicable, contains a letter code which is keyed to an ex- planation of the code contained in Section IV of the MAC. D-5. Explanation of Columns in the MAC, Section III a.  Column  (1),  Tool  or  Test  Equipment  Reference Code. The tool or test equipment reference code cor- relates with a code used in the MAC, Section II, Col- umn 5. b. Column (2), Maintenance Category. The lowest category of maintenance authorized to use the tool or test  equipment. c. Column (3), Nomenclature.  Name or identifica- tion of the tool or test equipment. d. Column (4), National/NATO Stock Number. The  national  stock  number  of  the  tool  or  test equipment. e. Column (5), Tool Number.  The  manufacturer’s part   number. D-6. Explanation of Columns in the MAC, Section IV a. Column (1), Reference Code.  The code recorded in Column 6, Section II. b. Column (2), Remarks.  This  column  lists  infor- mation pertinent to the maintenance function being performed as indicated in the MAC, Section II. Change  4  D-3

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