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Page Title: SHORT TERM STORAGE (30 days or less) (Continued)
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TM 5-4320-305-24 2-51.  SHORT TERM STORAGE (30 days or less) (Continued) e. Clean all accessible interior surfaces using a wet cloth. f. Install protective plugs in the suction assembly flange (6) (intake) and discharge manifold assembly flange (7). g. Remove oil drain plug (8) and completely drain oil from crankcase (9). Install oil drain plug (8). CAUTION Do not overfill crankcase. Oil will be blown out through the crankcase breather. h. Fill crankcase (9) to the proper level with the recommended viscosity and grade of oil in accordance with lubrication instructions in paragraph 2-1. i. Clean air cleaner assembly (10) in accordance with paragraph 2-26. j. Seal all engine openings with moistureproof, vaporproof tape, strong enough to resist puncture and damage from the expansion of entrapped air. k. Stow ground rods and ground cable assembly. I. Connect lunette (11), safety chains (12), and intervehicular connector (13) to the towing vehicle. m.    Release the hand brakes (14). n. Ensure that front jack (15) and rear jack (16) are secured in the up position, and that battery box assembly (17) and tool box (18) are closed securely. NOTE When the storage location is an unpaved area, it may be desirable to block up the trailer axle to raise the tires approximately one inch off the ground. o. When centrifugal pump unit has been placed in the selected storage location, block the wheels (19) to prevent movement and release hand brake (14). p. For indoor and outdoor storage, cover entire unit with weather cover supplied with unit, tied or weighted to prevent movement. 2-52. INTERMEDIATE TERM STORAGE (More than 30 days) The following instructions apply when the centrifugal pump unit is to be placed in storage for a period greater than 30 days. Additional or supplementary measures may be directed to meet current or anticipated conditions such as extremes of temperature; exposure to dust, sand, or debris; or salt air such as in a beachhead location. These instructions do not apply to temporary shutdowns to relocate the centrifugal pump unit. NOTE Procedure a., below, must be done with the assistance of direct support maintenance personnel. 2-191

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