![]() TM 5-4320-258-20P
Special Information
(2) Second. Using the Repair Part Listing,
find the assembly group of the repair part and the
a. Repair parts mortality has been based on 4,000
illustration figure number and item number referenced in
hours of operation per year.
the Index of Federal Stock Numbers and Reference
b. Parts which require manufacture or assembly at
a category higher than that authorized for installation will
indicate in the source column the higher category.
c. The following publication pertains to the pump
ALW............................. allowance
and its components:
ASSY .......................... assembly
BRS ............................ brass
TM 5-4320-258-12 Operator and Organizational
C AI) ........................... cadmium
Maintenance Manual
CREIS.......................... corrosion-resistant steel
d. The illustrations in :this manual are identical to
EA ............................... each
the applicable illustrations published in the -34P, Direct
EPT ............................. external pipe thread
and General Support Maintenance Repair Parts and
EXT ............................. external
Special Tools List manual, and the figure numbers are
FIG .............................. figure
the same as appear in that manual.
The -34P
F,SN ............................ federal stock number
illustrations are given for a better understanding of the
FT ............................... foot, feet
parts relationship, however, only those parts assigned
GPM ........................... gallons per minute
maintenance code "0" are listed in the tabular list. Only
HD .............................. head
illustrations containing organizational authorized items
HEX ............................ hexagonal
appear in this 'manual.
HG ............................... mercury
ID ................................ internal diameter
ILLUS........................... illustration
How to Locate Repair Parts
IN ................................. inch, inches
a. When Federal Stock Number or Reference
INC .............................. includes
Number is Unknown:
INT............................... internal
IPT ............................... internal pipe thread
(1) First.
Using the table of contents,
LG................................ long
determine the assembly group, e.g., engine, engine
MED............................. medium
assembly, transmission, transmission assembly, within
MFR............................. manufacturer
which the repair part belongs. This is necessary since
MI ................................ malleable iron
illustrations are prepared for assembly groups, and
NO ............................... number
listings are divided into the same groups.
NPT ............................. National taper pipe thread
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering the
OD .............................. outside diameter
assembly group to which the repair part belongs.
PL ............................... plated
PSI............................... pounds per -square inch
(3) Third.
Identify the repair part on the
QTY ............................. quantity
illustration and note the illustration figure and item
REF ............................. reference
number of the repair part.
STL .............................. steel
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Parts Listing,
SUBASSY .................... subassembly
find the assembly group to which the repair part belongs
THD ............................. thread
and locate the illustration figure and item number noted
THK ............................ thick
on the illustration.
Recommendations for Maintenance Pub-
b. When Federal Stock Number or Reference
lication Improvements
Number is Known:
Report of errors, omissions, and recommendations for
(1) First.
Using the Index of Federal
improving this publication by the individual user is
Stock Numbers and Reference Numbers find the
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form
pertinent Federal stock number or reference number.
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications) and
This index is in ascending FSN sequence followed by a
forwarded direct to U.S. Army Mobility Equipment
list of reference numbers in alphanumeric sequence,
Command, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd. ATTN: A.MSME-
cross-referenced to the illustration figure number and
,MPP, St. Louis, MO. 63120.
item number.
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