![]() CHAPTER 1
Section I. GENERAL
1-3. Administrative Storage
1-1. Scope
Preparation, care, and removal of equipment in
These instructions are published for use by personnel to
administrative storage will be in accordance with the
whom the Barnes Manufacturing Company Model
applicable requirements of TM 740-90-1 (Administrative
US67CCG Centrifugal Pump is issued. They provide
Storage of Equipment).
information on the operation and organizational
maintenance of the equipment as allocated by the
Maintenance Allocation Chart.
1-4. Reporting of Errors
1-2. Forms and Records
Report of errors, omissions, and recommendations for
improving this publication by the individual user is
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form
Maintenance forms, records, and reports which are used
2028, Recommended Changed to Publications, and
by maintenance personnel at all maintenance levels are
forwarded directly to Commanding General, U.S. Army
listed in and prescribed by TM 38-750.
Mobility Equipment Command, ATTN: AMSME-MP,
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
Manufacturing Company, Mansfield, Ohio. No known
1-5. Description
differences exist on the pumps procured under this
model number.
a. Centrifugal Pump Model US67CCG (figs. 1-1
and 1-2) consists primarily of a gasoline engine and a
1-7. Identification and Tabulated Data
centrifugal pump mounted on a welded skid base. The
torque from the engine is transferred to the pump
a. Identification. The centrifugal pump has three
through a flexible coupling.
identification plates.
b. The centrifugal pump has a 6-inch suction
(1) US data plate. The US data plate is located
nipple and a 6-inch discharge elbow. The nipple and
on front of the pump above the suction flange. It
elbow are grooved to receive a hose. The pump is
indicates the pump identification number, serial number,
capable of pumping 1120 GPM at governed speed of
dimensions, weight, and shipping information.
2450 RPM, with a total dynamic head of 100 feet. It is
self priming and has an integral check valve which
(2) Engine plate. The engine data plate is
retains the fluid in the pump body after shut down.
located on alternator side of the engine block. It
indicates engine identification numbers, serial number,
c. The gasoline engine is a 6-cylinder, liquid-
valve tappet clearance information, and patent
cooled, pressure-lubricated, L-head, 4-stroke-cycle unit.
It is completely housed in a sheet-metal housing.
Engine drains are piped to the outside of the engine
(3) Instruction plate. The pump instruction plate
housing to provide easy access for servicing.
is located in the cover of the control panel. It identifies
the controls and provides basic operating instructions.
1-6. Differences in Models
This technical manual covers only Centrifugal Pump
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