12. Normal operation - The operation of the pump is de-
pendent on the volume or supply of liquid to be
pump-ed. When shallow suction lifts with little liquid
10. Starting - Fig. 2A.
to be pumped is encountered, reduce engine speed.
A. Fill engine fuel tank (1.5 gallons). Regular
To govern the engine speed, loosen the spring
motor fuel "Mogas".
loaded knurled knob. Actuate knob forward or back
B. Check engine crankcase oil level. Remove dip
in slotted hole to gain the desired engine speed.
stick. Observe level indicated. Add oil if
This will reduce the load on the engine resulting in
necessary. See Lubrication order TM 5-2805-
reduced fuel consumption. On high suction lifts, it
will be necessary to keep the engine speed higher.
C. Check oil level in pump reduction gearcase.
Re-move oil level plug. Oil should be to this
Although the diaphragm pump is self-priming, the
level. Add oil if necessary.
initial prime can be speeded up as outlined under
D. Hand turn down grease cup cap slightly on top
par. 10. Filling the pump body with liquid helps to
of the connecting rod needle bearing to force
seal off the inlet and outlet valves from taking in air.
grease to the bearing.
E. Connect suction hose to pump and place in
13. Cold weather operation - Cold or freezing weather
liquid to be pumped.
should not effect the operation of the pump as long
F. Connect discharge hose and place accordingly.
as water is being drawn into and passed thru the
G. Remove pump body priming cap and fill pump
pump body. However, at the close of pumping op-
body with liquid.
erations, the pump body should be thoroughly
H. Replace priming cap tight on pump body.
drained by removing the pump body and discharge
I. Flip engine "on-off" switch to the "on" position.
valve drain plugs reference, Fig. 7. Leave drain
J. Close choke valve.
plugs out if pump is to be left outside. Replace
K. Start engine with engine starter rope
plugs before starting operation. If hi-solid content
L. Open choke valve slowly to obtain smooth
water has been pumped, remove the clean-out door,
engine operation.
reference, Fig. 7 and flush out pump body with clear
11. Stopping - Fig. 2A - Shut off engine by flipping the
"on-off" switch to "off" position. If pump is to re-
14. Pump body clean-out door - Fig. 3 - A clean-out
main in its present location, engine need only be
door is provided for quick inspection and clean-out.
shut off.
After pumping off muddy, sludge water, or water
containing chemical harmful to rubber, the pump
body should be flushed out with clean water.
Access to the inside of the pump body is made by
removing four wing nuts holding clean-out door to
pump body and remove door, replace door and
rubber gasket. Turn wing nuts down tightly.
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