![]() (3) To determine allowances when supporting more than 100
of these equipments. F i r s t , divide the number of equipments
supported by 100 by moving the decimal two places left.
m u l t i p l y the result by the quantity in the 51-100 density column.
E x a m p l e , authorized allowance For 51-100 equipments is 40; for
1 5 0 equipments multiply 40 by 1.50 or 60 parts required.
1-Year Allowance Per 100 Equipments/Contingency Planning
P u r p o s e s . Indicates opposite the first appearance of each item
t h e total quantity required for distribution and contingency
planning purposes. T h e range of items indicates total quantities
o f all authorized items required to provide for adequate support
of 100 equipments for one year. Subsequent appearances of the
s a m e item will have the letters "REF" in the allowance column.
I l l u s t r a t i o n . This column is divided as follows:
I n d i c a t e s the figure number of the
( 1 ) Figure number.
i l l u s t r a t i o n in which the item is shown.
I n d i c a t e s the callout number used to
( 2 ) Item number.
r e f e r e n c e the item in the i Illustration.
S p e c i a l Information
a . Repair parts mortality has been based on 1000 hours
o p e r a t i o n per year.
b . Parts which require manufacture or assembly at a category
h i g h e r than that authorized for installation will indicate in the
s o u r c e column the higher category. ,
c . The following publications pertain to the centrifugal pump
and-its components:
O p e r a t o r , Organizational, Direct
T M 5-2805-259-14
Support and General Support
Maintenance Manual
O r g a n i z a t i o n a l , DS and GS Maintenance
TM 5-2805-259-24P
R e p a i r Parts and Special T O OIS
d . T h e same illustrations are used to illustrate the repair parts
a n d special tools listed in both organizational maintenance section
and direct and general support maintenance section.
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