![]() d . Reassembly and Installation. Pump reassembly
properly seated stationary ring will result
and installation are essentially the reverse of the
in a leak when the pump is restored to
disassembly sequence. Refer to figures 3-13 and 3-14
and to torque values in paragraph 1-3b(3). Give
(7) Lubricate the bore of the seal plate (32) with a
p a r t i c u l a r attention to the following:
light coat of oil, MIL-L-2104, grade 10. Install
(1) Install the splined coupling (53) on the engine
the O-ring on the stationary ring of the seal
with four capscrews (51).
assembly in the seal plate. Position the seal
plate on the intermediate bracket and secure
(2) Press the oil seal (50) in the seal seat of the
with eight nuts (19). Take care not to dislodge
intermediate bracket (42) so that the lip faces
the stationary ring during installation.
the bearing bore.
(8) Lubricate the internal diameter of the rubber
(3) Pack the ball bearing (48) with grease per MIL-
sleeve of the rotary portion of the seal with oil,
G-23827. Install the retaining ring (49) in the
MIL-L-2104, grade 10. One end of shaft sleeve
groove of the impeller shaft (44). Press the
(34) has a bevel on the internal diameter. Insert
ball bearing (48) into the shaft until it engages
the shaft sleeve into the rubber sleeve so that
the retaining ring. Install the second retaining
the beveled end is on the same end as the lapped
ring to retain the bearing.
seal face and approximately flush with the lapped
face of the rotating element.
(4) The bearing (48), pressed on the impeller shaft,
is a light push fit into the intermediate bracket
(9) Install the assembled shaft sleeve and rotary
(42). Install the assembled bearing and impeller
element of the shaft seal on the impeller shaft
shaft in the bracket. Press the seal (46) in the
so that the lapped surface of the rotary seal
bearing retainer (45) and position the assembled
faces the engine. Push the shaft sleeve onto the
shaft until it seats against the shaft shoulder.
seal and retainer in the bearing bore of the
intermediate bracket with the lip of the seal
Caution. Make sure that no dust or foreign material
facing the bearing. Retain the assembled parts
with the retaining ring (43).
is on the lapped surfaces of the seal ele-
ments as the lapped surfaces engage.
(5) Position the assembled intermediate bracket and
(10) If no parts except seal (33) have been replaced,
shaft, hoisting bracket (41 ) and guard (40) on the
the thickness of shims (28) which had been used
engine. Secure with eight capscrews (36 and 38)
between the shaft sleeve and impeller may be
and lockwashers (37 and 39). Tighten the cap-
reinstalled. If the impeller shaft, intermediate
screws to 15-20 ft-lbs.
bracket, seal plate, or impeller was replaced,
add shims between the impeller and shaft sleeve
(6) The shaft seal assembly (33) consists of sta-
to provide clearance between the impeller and
tionary ring and a rotary element as shown in
seal plate and equalize the distance between the
impeller and housing parts. Refer to figure 3-14.
around its circumference to seal the stationary
Shims are provided in thicknesses of 0.005,
ring in the seat of the seal plate. The one face
0.010, and 0.030.
of the stationary ring is lapped and must face
outward so that it can be engaged by the mating
(11) Install the volute casing (21) and gasket (22).
face of the rotary seal. The rotary element of
Secure with eight nuts and torque to 15-20 ft-
the seal is held into engagement with the sta-
l b s . Make sure no rubbing occurs between
tionary ring by a spring which is part of the
the impeller and casing. If necessary, remove
seal assembly.
some of the shims that were installed between
the impeller and shaft sleeve.
Caution: Take care during the installation
of the
stationary ring so that the lapped
face is
(12) Refer to figure 3-13 and complete reassembly
not marred. Install the ring until it
of the pump.
in the bore. A marred face or
an im-
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