![]() include three crankcase cover or bearing support gaskets - .005", .009",
and .015" thick,
Aluminum Engines - Ball Bearing.
The metal shim is added to the magneto end of the crankshaft instead of
the power take-off end. To protect the oil seal while assembling the crank-
case cover, put oil or grease on the sealing edge of the oil seal. Wrap a
piece of thin cardboard around the crankshaft so the seal will slide easily
over the shoulder of crankshaft. If the sharp edge of the oil seal is cut or
bent under, the seal may leak.
Checking End Play.
On models with a removable base, the end play can be checked with a feeler
gauge between the crankshaft thrust face and the bearing support on plain
bearing engines. On other models, the end play may be checked by assem-
bling a dial indicator on the crankshaft with the pointer against the crank-
case. Move the crankshaft in and out. The indicator will show the end
play. The other method is to assemble a pulley to the crankshaft and mea-
sure the end play with a feeler gauge.
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