Inspection - All Models.
Always inspect the cylinder after the engine has been disassembled. Visual
inspection will show if there are any cracks, stripped bolt holes, broken
fins, or if the cylinder wall is scored. Use an inside micrometer, or tele-
scoping gauge and micrometer to determine the size of the cylinder bore.
Measure at right angles. Table No. 5 lists the standard cylinder bore
If the cylinder bore is more than .003" oversize, or .0025" out of round on
lightweight cylinders, it must be resized.
Resizing (Resize Cylinder Bore to Next Oversize).
Always resize to exactly .010", or .020", or .030" over standard size as
shown in Table No. 1. If this is done accurately, the stock oversize rings
and pistons will fit perfectly and proper clearances will be maintained.
See Table No. 1. The lightweight cylinder can be quickly resized with a
good hone. Use the stones recommended by the manufacturers in order to
product the correct cylinder wall finish.
If a boring bar is used, a hone should be used after the boring operation to
produce the proper cylinder wall finish.
Honing can be done with a portable electric drill, but is usually easier to
use a drill press.
5 . 2 . 2 . 6 . 3 To set up for Honing.
Clean cylinder at top and bottom to remove burrs and pieces of base and
head gaskets. Fasten cylinder to heavy iron plate. Some cylinders require
shims. Use a level to align drill press spindle with bore.
Oil surface of drill press table l i b e r a l l y . Set plate and cylinder on drill
press table. (Do not anchor to drill press table.) If using portable drill,
set plate and cylinder on floor. Place hone drive shaft in chuck of drill or
portable drill.
Slip hone into cylinder, connect drive shaft to hone and set stop on drill
press so hone can only extend 3/4" to 1" from top or bottom of cylinder.
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