![]() CHAPTER 6
Section I. GENERAL
Two flexible tapered grids, set in grooves in each coupling
6-1. Description
half, connect the engine and pump. The two outer cover
This section covers the components of the pump
halves are connected by eight bolts and nuts. The first
Refer to Chapter 7 for engine repair
and second stage impellers of the rotating element
instructions. The two-stage centrifugal pump has an
assembly increase the pressure and maintain the flow of
upper case and bottom case of cast iron that serves as a
petroleum through the pump.
cover and mounting for the rotating element assembly.
The bottom case is mounted on the skid assembly and
The low-and high-pressure switches are mounted on the
has 2 suction flanges on the left side and 2 discharge
instrument panel box.
Both switches automatically
flanges on the right side. Within the upper and bottom
protect the pump from possible damage of abnormal
cases are chambers to direct the flow and maintain the
operating pressures. If the pump discharge pressure falls
pressure of petroleum through the pump. The engine
below, or rises above the preset ranges of the pressure
drives the rotating element assembly by a coupling. The
switches, an electrical circuit is closed in the affected
engine coupling is keyed to the accessory drive shaft.
pressure switch. This activates the carburetor solenoid
The pump coupling is keyed to the pump shaft.
which reduces engine rpm to idling speed.
62. High and Low Pressure Switches
b. Clean and inspect.
a. Remove and install the high and lowpressure
c. Adjust the low pressure switch as follows.
switches (fig. 6-1) located on the side of the instrument
control panel as follows:
(1) Tag and remove the leads from the switch
(1) Place the safety switch located on the
instrument panel in the "off" position. This will disconnect
(2) Disconnect the tubing from the switch
voltage from the pressure switches.
pressure connection and connect the switch to a source of
pressure that can be varied between zero (0) and 150 psi.
(2) Remove the pressure switch cover and
disconnect the two leads from the switch.
(3) Connect a test lamp circuit between the
common and normally closed terminals on the switch.
(3) Disconnect the copper tubing from the
The lamp should light.
switch bellows housing and remove the nut from the
nipple containing the switch leads.
(4) To adjust the switch for series operation of
the pump, slowly raise the pressure on the switch to 110-
(4) Remove the screws, nuts, and washers
120 psi. The lamp should go out. If the lamp goes out
holding the switch housing to the control panel and
before reaching 110 psi, turn the adjustment nut (fig. 6-1)
remove the switch.
(5) Install in reverse order.
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