3-60. General
3-62. Oil Cooler and Oil Cooler Base
The lubrication system consists of the two oil filters, oil
a. Remove hose between the inlet header and oil
cooler, oil filler, oil pressure relief valve, oil pressure
cooler base.
switch, and oil pressure gage sending unit. The built-in
cooler is secured to the left side of the engine at the rear
and serves as base for the oil filters. The oil pressure
c. Remove and install the oil cooler and base as
relief valve is located behind the carburetor in the right
shown by figure 3-34.
side of the engine block. The oil filters are located on
d. Clean and inspect.
the left side of the engine.
3-63. Oil Pressure Relief Valve
3-61. Oil Filt ers
a. Remove and install oil pressure relief valve as
shown by figure 3-35.
b. Remove and disassemble the front and rear oil
b. Clean and inspect.
filters in sequence shown by figure 3-33. Reassemble
c. Adjust, if necessary, by changing springs as
and install in opposite order.
shown by figure 3-35.
c. Clean and inspect.
d. Add oil to the proper level as shown by the
current lubrication chart.
Figure 3-83. Oil filter, assembly and disassembly.
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