![]() Section VII. FUEL SYSTEM
4-14. General
(3) Replace a damaged or defective tank or
Refer to engine manual TM 5-2805-259-14 for a
fuel line as necessary.
description of the engine fuel system. The components
furnished and / or installed by the end item
manufacturer are described in paragraphs 415 and 4-16.
fuel tank and fuel line.
4-15. Fuel Tank and Fuel Line
4-16. Fuel Filter
a. Removal and Disassembly. Refer to figure 4-2
fuel tank and fuel line.
and remove the fuel filter. Refer to engine manual TM
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
5-2805-259-14 and disassemble the fuel filter.
(1) Wash all parts with cleaning solvent
b. Reassembly and Installation.
Refer to TM
PD680. Dry thoroughly.
52805-259-14 and reassemble the fuel filter. Refer to
(2) Inspect for breaks, cracks, dents, loose or
figure 4-2 and reinstall the fuel filter.
missing mounting hardware, damaged threaded areas,
or other defects.
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