![]() CHAPTER 4
Replace damaged parts, tighten loose mountings, and
4-1. Unloading Equipment
free-up any binding of levers and linkage.
a. Remove any tiedown and blocks that secure the
pump assembly to the carrier.
(5) Inspect all accessible wiring for loose
connections, cuts, burns, frayed insulation, and
b. Attach a hook from an overhead hoist or crane
damaged terminals and shielding. Replace damaged
to the lifting frame assembly or use suitable ramp and
wiring or terminals.
prime mover and tow the unit from the carrier.
(6) Inspect the engine air cooling system for
bent or missing air shrouds.
Do not use a lifting De vice with a capacity
(7) After servicing as prescribed below, crank
of less than 2,000 pounds. Do not allow the
the engine several times to make sure the engine and
pumping assembly to swing back and. forth
magneto are free.
when it is suspended in the air. Failure to
observe this warning can result in damage
(8) Inspect publications for completeness.
Inspect toolbox for damage and loose mounting.
to the equipment and in severe injury or
Inspect toolbox cover for tight closure.
death to personnel.
4-2. Unpacking Equipment
(9) Inspect to be sure that the fire
extinguisher is fully charged and in operating condition.
a. Remove the crating and protective barrier
material, taking care not to damage the equipment.
(10) Inspect muffler for holes, corrosion and
loose mounting.
with cleaning solvent:
b. Servicing the Equipment.
(1) Control wires and linkage.
(1) Lubrication. Refer to LO 5-2805-259-14,
for engine lubrication. Lubricate trailer in accordance
(2) All other parts coated with a preservative
with lubrication chart (fig. 3-1).
(2) Preventive maintenance.
Perform the
c. Drain all preservation from the following items:
daily preventive maintenance services (para 3-4).
(1) Fuel tank.
(3) Engine. Refer to TM 5-2805-259-14.
(2) Crankcase.
(4) Battery. Fill the battery with electrolyte
(3) Pump assembly.
until 3A inch above plates. Specific gravity must be
d. Remove the pressure sensitive tape from the
1.250 or higher. checked with hydrometer.
following items:
(1) Gages and meters on the control panel.
Take precautions against spilling electrolyte
(2) Air cleaner assembly.
on clothing or allowing to come in contact
(3) Muffler openings.
with skin as burns may occur. Use rubber
(4) All valves.
gloves when filling battery.
e. Make a thorough inspection of the equipment
(5) Cold weather servicing. For cold weather
and remove any other preservative material and
operation, lubricate equipment in accordance with
pressure sensitive tape.
lubrication chart (fig. 3-1). Refer to TM 5-2805259-14
f. Inspect tires for improper inflation, cuts, breaks,
for engine servicing.
blisters, and flat spots. Inspect valve stems for leaks.
4-4. Installation
Replace missing valve caps.
a. Location. Where installation conditions permit,
4-3. Inspection and Servicing
avoid a muddy, sandy, or dusty site. If it is necessary to
a. Inspecting the Equipment.
install the unit on soft ground, arrange a foundation of
planking, logs, or concrete.
(1) Inspect the pump for loose components or
b. Indoor Installation.
Make sure the floor is
damage which may have occurred during shipment.
sufficiently strong to support the unit. Provides at least
(2) Inspect all lines, hoses, fittings, and plugs
four feet of space on all sides of the unit to provide
to see that they are secure and tight.
accessibility. Make sure the area is well ventilated.
(3) Inspect and tighten or replace any loose
Pipe the exhaust of the engine outside the building.
or missing nuts, bolts, or screws.
Arrange the piping with aluminum of bends, and make
(4) Inspect the controls, instruments, gages,
sure all connections are tight.
and valves for damage, loose mounting, or binding.
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