1-8. Identification and Tabulated Data
(b) Barnes Manufacturing Co.
a. Identification. The pump assembly has three
Serial Numbers
37044-001 thru 37044240
identification plates. The information on these plates is
(2) The following data applies to both pump
listed below.
(1) U. S. Army plates.
Type ...................................Self-priming, centrifugal
(a) Gorman-Rupo model 84C154A084.
Number of stages ...............One
Nomenclature .............. Pump, Centrifugal .350 GPM
Rated flow ..........................350 GPM
@ 190 THD GED
Rated total dynamic head ...190 feet
Model .......................... 84C15-4A084
Suction size .......................4 in.
Serial ...........................
Discharge size ....................4 in.
Engine serial number ...
(3) Capacities.
Registration number .....
Fuel tank
20 gal.
Stock number .............. 4320-916-9172
(4) Nut and bolt torque data.
Shipping weight ........... 1295 lb.
Gross vehicle weight ... 1135 lb.
Overall height ............. 60 in.
1/ 4.20 ...................................... 6-8
Width ........................... 59 in.
5/ 16-18 .................................... 11-13
Length ......................... 81 in.
3/ 8-16 ..................................... 20-22
Warranty ..................... 12 mo.
3/ 4-24 ..................................... 22-24
Date shipped ................
1/ 2-13 ..................................... 45-47
Manufactured by ......... The Gorman-Rupp Co.
1/ 2-20 ..................................... 47-49
5/ 8-11 ..................................... 104-106
(b) Barnes model US36ACG.
Nomenclature .............. .Pump, Centrifugal, 350 GPM
(5) Dimensions
@ 1930 THD GED
Model .......................... JS36ACG
Length ...................................... 81 in.
Serial. ..........................
Width ....................................... 59 in.
Engine Serial Number. .
Height ...................................... 60 in.
Registration N umber ...
Weight ..................................... 1135 lb.
Stock Number ............. 4320-407-2583
Volume .................................... 166 cu. f
Contract Number ......... DSA 70070-C-9187
Tire size ................................... 7.00 x 16, 6 ply
Shipping Weight .......... 1300 lb.
Tire pressure ............................ 45 psi
Gross Vehicle weight ... 1140 lb.
(6) Wiring diagram. See figure 1-3.
Overall height ............. 60 in.
1-9. Differences in Models
Width .......................... 59 in.
a. The suction and discharge gate valves and
Length ......................... 81 in.
Warranty ......................
suction strainer assembly used on model 84C154AU84
Date shipped ................
serial numbers 419501 and up were manufactured by a
Manufactured by ......... Barnes Manufacturing Co.
different vendor than the gate valves and strainer
(2) Engine plates.
assembly used on pumping assemblies model 84C15-
4A084 serial numbers 471201 through 415493 and
Engines are Military Standard on
model US36ACG serial numbers 37044-001 through
both the Gorman-Rupp Co. Pump
47044-240. The configuration of these parts is slightly
and Barnes Mfg Co. Pump; Refer to
different and the suction strainer is mounted at a
TM 5-2805-259.14.
different angle on the equipment.
(3) Pump assembly plates.
(a) Gorman-Rupp Co.
b. The configuration of the volute casing 'of the
Type ............................ Self-priming, centrifugal
model US36ACG is somewhat different than that of the
Manufacturer ............... The Gorman-Rupp Co.
model 84C15-4A084.
Serial No. .....................
c. The configuration of the fuel system parts of the
Model No .................... 84C15-4A084
model US36ACG is slightly different from that of the
(b) Barnes Manufacturing Co.
model 84C15-4A084.
The differences include the
Type ............................ Self-priming, centrifugal
mounting position of the three-way valve and the
Manufacturer ............... Barnes Mfg. Co.
Serial No.
construction of the fuel tank straps.
Model No .................... US36ACG
d. There are several minor internal differences in
b. Tabulated Data.
the pumping unit.
These include the method of
(1) Pumping assemblies.
mounting the wear plate and several other mounting
(a) Gorman-Rupp Co.
hardware differences.
Serial Numbers ............ 371201 thru 271346
383791 thru 383810
400424 thru 400549
405143 thru 405365
415840 thru 415493
419501 thru 419959
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