![]() CHAPTER 1
Section 1. GENERAL
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications) and
forwarded direct to Commanding General, U. S. Army
1-1. Scope
Mobility Equipment Command, ATTN: AMSME-MPP,
These instructions are published for your use in
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120. A
operating and maintaining the Gormann-Rupp pump
reply will be furnished directly to you.
assembly, model 84C15-4A084. or Barnea pump
1-4. Equipment Serviceability Criteria (ESC).
assembly, model US36ACG.
There are no ESC's applicable to this equipment.
1-2. Forms and Records
1-5. Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent Enemy
Maintenance forms, records, and reports, which are to
be used by maintenance personnel at all maintenance
Refer to TM 750-244-3 for information pertaining to
levels, are listed in and prescribed by TM 38-750.
destruction of equipment to prevent enemy use.
1-3. Reporting of Errors
1-6. Administrative Storage
Report of errors, omissions, and recommendations for
Refer to TM 730-90-1 for information and instructions
improving this publication by the individual user is
pertaining to administrative storage.
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on Form
1-7. Description
c. Pump Assembly. The pump assembly is a four-
inch conventional type self-priming centrifugal pump
a. General. The Gormann-Rupp pump assembly,
designed to deliver 350 gpm (gallons per minute) with a
model 84C15-4A084 or Barnes pump assembly, model
190 ft. head.
mounted, self-priming unit designed for bulk transfer of
d. Trailer. The trailer is constructed of welded
flammable liquid petroleum fuels. It is powered by a
steel members and is equipped with two wheels for
four-cylinder gasoline engine directly coupled to the
towing at speeds up to 20 miles per hour on surfaced
pumping assembly. Instruments and controls necessary
roads. A collapsible stand is provided at the rear of the
for operation of the unit are mounted on the instrument
trailer to support the unit during operation. The trailer is
panel. Additional controls include two suction valves,
provided with a removable drawbar assembly. A pintle
two discharge valves, air -venting valve, and discharge
hook is added for towing additional equipment.
check valve.
b. Engine. Refer to TM 5-2805-259-14 for a
description of the Military Standard engine, model
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