![]() TM 5-4320-237-15
d. Unit of Issue, column 4, indicates the
3. Explanation of Columns Contained
unit used as a basis of issue, e.g., ea, pr, ft,
in Section III.
yd, etc.
a. Item. This column contains numerical
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack, COl-
sequence item numbers assigned to each com-
umn 5, indicates the actual quantity contained
ponent application to facilitate reference.
in the unit pack.
This column
b. Component Application.
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit, column 6,
identifies the component application of each
indicates the quantity of the item used on
maintenance or operating supply item.
the equipment.
g. Quantity Authorized, column 7, indi-
c. Federal Stock Number. The Federal
cates the total quantity of an item required to
Stock Number will be shown in this column
be on hand and necessary for operation and
and will be used for requisitioning purposes.
maintenance of the equipment. Items to be
d. Description. The item and a brief de-
requisitioned as required are indicated by an
scription are shown.
e. Quantity Required for Initial Operation
h. Illustration, column 8.
This column lists the quantity of each mainte-
(1) Figure Number, column 8a, indicates
nance or operating supply item required for
the figure number of the illustration
initial operation of the equipment.
in which the item is shown.
(2) Item or Symbol Number, column 8b,
Quantity Required for 8-Hours Opera-
tion. Quantities listed represent the estimated
indicates the callout number used
requirements for an average eight hours of
to reference the item in the illustra-
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