![]() (2) Remove the suction and discharge gage
or other damage. The center flap must seat against the
valve seat, and must be smooth to form a proper seal.
piping from the pump (para 4-47).
(3) Disassemble the suction and discharge
Replace the valve if it is worn or damaged.
(4) Inspect the valve seat for chips or cracks.
assemblies as shown in figure 4-31.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Replace it if it is defective. You may reuse a valve seat,
but if there are any scratches or burrs on the face which
contacts the valve, remove them with fine sandpaper
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
before reassembly.
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
(5) Remove all old gaskets from the pump
casting, elbow valve seat and coupling flanges. Clean
fumes and prolonged exposure of
the mating surfaces of these parts with a scraper or
skin to cleaning solvent.
knife to ensure a tight seal.
exposed skin thoroughly.
(6) Inspect studs, nuts, plugs, and coupling
cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680)
flanges. Replace any parts that have stripped or
used to clean parts is potentially
damaged threads.
c. Installation.
property. Do not use near open
(1) Use all new gaskets when reassembling the
flame or excessive heat. Flash point
suction and discharge assemblies.
of solvent is 100 to 138F (38 to
(2) Install the assemblies as shown in figure 4-
(1) Clean the exterior of the pump with a cloth
(3) Reconnect the suction and discharge gage
dampened with dry cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-
piping (para 4-47).
680). Dry thoroughly.
(4) After assembly, start the pump, and check
(2) Inspect the pump for a cracked or dented
for leaks. Correct any leaks noted.
housing, suction coupling flange or discharge elbow.
Inspect the inside of the pump for signs of damage or
wear on the internal parts. Refer the pump to direct or
general support maintenance for repair or replacement.
(3) Inspect the check valve for cracks, tears,
4-51. Tires and Tubes
4-50. Description
a. Removal.
a. The tire assembly includes the tire, inner tube,
(1) Jack up and block under the frame to raise
and flap. The tire size is 7.00-15, 6-ply rating, with a
the wheel from the ground. Remove the cap screws (1,
mud and snow tread. The tires are mounted on single-
piece wheels, and must be inflated to 40 psi.
b. The wheel assemblies consist of pressed steel
tube to the hub (15); remove the assembled parts.
(2) Deflate the inner tube. Use proper tire
wheels which are bolted to the hub assemblies. The
removal tools to remove the tire (3), tube (4), and flap
hub assemblies ride on tapered roller bearings on axle
(5) from the wheel (2), as indicated in figure 4-32.
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