![]() b. Cleaning and Inspection.
a multimeter or test lamp. Replace defective switches.
(4) Inspect the starter disengage relay for
cracks, dented housing, loose or damaged terminals,
and other damage. The relay is a normally closed
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
switching device.
Apply 24 volts across the coil
terminals and check for continuity across the contact
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
terminals. No continuity should exist while power is
prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning
Disconnect the 24-volt input to the coil
solvent. Wash exposed skin thoroughly. Dry
terminals. There should now be continuity across the
cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680) used to
contact terminals when the coil is deenergized. Replace
clean parts is potentially dangerous to
a damaged or inoperative relay.
personnel and property. Do not use near
c. Reassembly and Installation.
open flame or excessive heat. Flash point of
(1) Reassemble and install the controls and
solvent is 100 to 138 F (38 to 59 C).
indicators on the control panel as shown in figure 4-27.
(1) Clean all parts by wiping them with a cloth
Connect the electrical leads to the
dampened lightly with dry cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-
components as shown in figure 1-4.
D-680); take care to prevent the solvent from entering
the interior of the components.
4-45. Tachometer-Hourmeter Adapter
(2) Inspect all meters and gages for cracked
a. Removal.
dial glass, defaced or illegible dial marking, sticking or
(1) Disconnect the tachometer shaft (1, fig. 4-28) from
binding dial pointers, damaged terminals, evidence of
both the tachometer-hourmeter (2) and from the
entry of moisture, and other damage.
adapter (3)
on the overspeed governor drive
damaged gages and meters.
(3) Check all switches for cracked cases,
difficult operation, lack of positive switch action, and
other damage. Check the switches for continuity, using
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