![]() open flame or excessive heat. Flash point
of solvent is 100 to 138 F (38 to 59 C).
(1) Clean the voltage regulator with a cloth
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
dampened with dry cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P- D-
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
680); dry thoroughly.
fumes and prolonged exposure of
(2) Inspect the voltage regulator for cracks,
skin to cleaning solvent.
signs of overheating, loose or damaged terminals, and
exposed skin thoroughly. Dry
other damage; replace a damaged voltage regulator.
cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680)
c. Installation. Installation of the voltage regulator
used to clean parts is potentially
is the reverse of removal. Refer to items 16 through 19
of figure 4-25. If necessary, refer to the wiring diagram
in figure 1-4 for connection requirements.
property. Do not use near open
4-40. Reverse Polarity Protector
flame or excessive heat. Flash point
a. Removal.
of solvent is 100 to 138 F (38 0 to
59 o C).
Disconnect the battery cables from the
(1) Clean the exterior of the alternator with a
cloth dampened with dry cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-
disconnecting any other leads from the
D-680). Take care to prevent the solvent from entering
engine components. This will prevent
the interior of the alternator. Wipe the alternator dry.
shorts which could damage the
(2) Inspect the alternator for cracks, signs of
alternator, voltage regulator, and other
overheating, damaged terminals, and damaged internal
(1) Disconnect the electrical leads from the
(3) Check the alternator rotor shaft for free
reverse polarity protector (23, fig. 4-25). Tag leads to
rotation. The shaft must turn freely and smoothly
facilitate reassembly.
without catching or binding. Replace the alternator if it
(2) Remove the two cap screws (20), nuts (21),
is damaged.
and lock washers (22) that secure the reverse polarity
c. Installation.
protector (23) to the mounting bracket (30); remove the
(1) Installation is the reverse of removal. Refer
reverse polarity protector.
to items 1 through 15 in figure 4-25.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Connect the electrical leads to the
alternator. If necessary, refer to the wiring diagram in
(3) Engage the fan belt on the alternator pulley
and tighten the belt (para 4-31a).
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
4-39. Voltage Regulator
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning
Disconnect the battery cables from the
solvent. Wash exposed skin thoroughly.
Dry cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680)
disconnecting any other leads from the
used to clean parts is potentially dangerous
engine components.
This will prevent
to personnel and property. Do not use near
shorts which could damage the alternator,
open flame or excessive heat. Flash point
of solvent is 100 to 138 F (38 to 59
voltage regulator, and other parts.
a. Removal.
(1) Wipe the exterior of the reverse polarity
(1) Disconnect the electrical leads from the
protector with a cloth dampened with dry cleaning
voltage regulator. Tag leads to facilitate reassembly.
solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680); dry thoroughly.
(2) Remove the three cap screws (16, fig. 4-
(2) Inspect the reverse polarity protector for
25), nuts (17), and lock washers (18) that secure the
cracks, signs of overheating, loose or damaged
voltage regulator to the mounting bracket; remove the
terminals, and other damage; replace a damaged
voltage regulator.
polarity protector.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(3) Check the operation of the reverse polarity
protector. When positive ( +) 24 vdc is applied to the
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
IGNITION terminal of the unit with a negative (-)
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
ground, continuity must exist across the main terminals.
prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning
When negative (-) 24 vdc is applied to the IGNITION
solvent. Wash exposed skin thoroughly. Dry
terminal with a positive ( +) ground, no continuity must
cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680) used
to clean parts is potentially dangerous to
personnel and property. Do not use near
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