![]() TM 5-4320-234-12
(1) Clean the exterior of the carburetor with a
rpm idle speed when the pump throttle control is set to
cloth dampened with dry cleaning solvent (fed. spec.
P-D-680) dry thoroughly.
b. Removal.
(2) Inspect the carburetor for cracks and other
obvious damage. Check the operation of the throttle
(1) Disconnect the fuel lines and fittings from
lever and choke lever. They must operate freely,
the carburetor (para 4-22).
without binding. Refer a damaged carburetor to direct
(2) Remove the air cleaner hose from the
support maintenance.
carburetor (para 4-17).
(3) If you are going to install a new carburetor,
(3) Disconnect
remove the old gasket (29, fig. 4-9) from the mating
control rod (18, fig. 4-9) by unscrewing the ball joint
surface of the intake manifold. Use a gasket scraper or
(19) and removing the lock washer (20).
knife to remove all traces of the old gasket.
(4) Disconnect the ends of the throttle control
cable (50) and choke control cable (49) from their
d. Installation. Install the carburetor by reversing
respective levers on the carburetor.
the removal procedure. Note the following:
(5) Remove the nuts (25) and lock washers (26)
(1) Make sure there are no air lea. between the
that secure the carburetor to the intake manifold.
carburetor and air cleaner. Air leaks 'ill Allow dust and
Remove the throttle cable bracket (27) and carburetor
dirt to enter the engine, causing rapid engine wear.
(2) Adjust choke control cable connection to
Cleaning and Inspection.
carburetor so that the choke lever can move through its
full operating range as the choke control on the
instrument panel is operated.
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
(3) Adjust the throttle linkage from the governor
as directed in paragraph 4-27.
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning
4-25. Crankcase Emission Control System
solvent. Wash exposed skin thoroughly.
Dry cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680)
a. Removal.
used to clean parts is potentially dangerous
(1) Remove the hose (1, fig. 4-11) and remove
to personnel and property. Do not use near
the tube assembly (2). Remove the elbow (3).
open flame or excessive heat. Flash point of
(2) Unscrew the emission control valve (4) from
solvent is 100 to 138 F (38 to 59 C).
the elbow on the oil filler tube.
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