![]() TM 5-4320-234-12
of solvent is 100 to 138F (38 to 59
KEY to fig. 4-6:
1. Engine side panel
2. Screw
3. Nut
4. lock washer
brush. Wipe with a cloth dampened with dry cleaning
5. Crank clip
solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680).
6. Screw
(2) Clean all remaining parts with an approved
7. Flat washer
cleaning solvent.
8. Screw
(3) Inspect the muffler for cracks, holes, severe
9. Flat washer
rust, and other damage; replace a damaged muffler.
10. Top hood
11. Screw
(4) Inspect the remaining parts for cracks,
12. Flat washer
distortion, and other damage; replace damaged parts.
13. Screw
14. Flat washer
c. Reassembly. Reassembly of the muffler and
15. Lower left panel
piping is the reverse of disassembly. Refer to figure 4-
16. Cap screw
17. Nut
18. Lock washer
4-19. Engine Housing
19. Battery charging receptacle
20. Screw
21. Flat washer
22. Screw
(1) Remove the air cleaner (para 4-17).
23. Flat washer
(2) Remove the muffler and exhaust system (para
24. Lower right panel
25. Engine crank
(3) To remove the lower left and lower right side
26. Screw
panels (15 and 24, fig. 4-6), disconnect the drain lines
27. lock washer
from the connections on the panels.
28. Radiator grille
(4) Disassemble the engine housing following the
29. Baffle
sequence of index numbers in figure 4-6.
30. Baffle
31. Baffle
b.Cleaning and Inspection.
32. Baffle
33. Rear panel
34. Nut
35. Lock washer
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
36. Flat washer
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
37. Cap screw
fumes and prolonged exposure of
38. Hasp
skin to cleaning solvent.
39. Snap
exposed skin thoroughly.
40. S-hook
cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-
41. Chain
680) used to clean parts is potentially
42. Cap screw
43. Nut
44. Lock washer
property. Do not use near open
45. Flat washer
flame or excessive heat. Flash point
46. Stone shield
of solvent is 100 o to 138 F (38 to 59
47. Radiator shell
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean the parts of the engine housing with a
cloth dampened with dry cleaning solvent (fed. spec.
P-D-680); dry thoroughly.
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
(2) Inspect all parts for rust, corrosion, cracks,
fumes and prolonged exposure of
chipped paint, dents, and distortion. Straighten dented
skin to cleaning solvent.
and distorted panels. Remove rust and corrosion with
exposed skin thoroughly.
sandpaper, rubbing until the surface is clean and bright.
cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-
Prime and paint the bare surfaces.
680) used to clean parts is potentially
c.Installation. Installation is the reverse of removal.
property. Do not use near open
Refer to figure 4-6.
flame or excessive heat. Flash point
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