![]() TM 5-4320-234-12
e. While the pump is in operation, do not
to provide smooth engine operation. When the engine
is warmed up, you must push the choke control all the
completely close off the discharge line. Although no
way in.
serious harm can be done to the pump, the churning of
Adjust the throttle control (5) to run the
liquid by rotating impeller can generate enough heat to
engine at high idle speed (1200 to 1400 rpm as
cause the liquid to boil in the pump. Make sure that
indicated on the tachometer-hourmeter) for a few
some passage of liquid continues through the pump
minutes to allow the engine to warm up before applying
during operation.
f. If the suction vacuum increases, or the pumping
the pump load.
rate or pressure drops off for no apparent reason, check
2-4. Operation.
the suction line for blockage or closed valves.
g. If the engine stops due to an engine over speed
condition, correct the cause of the overspeed and press
the reset button on top the engine overspeed governor
Operation of this equipment presents a
(4, fig. 3-3) to reset the overspeed circuit before
noise hazard to personnel in the area.
attempting to restart the engine.
The noise level exceeds the allowable
h. During operation, check the fuel level gage (1,
limits for unprotected personnel. Wear
ear muffs or ear plugs fitted by a trained
engine, remove the filler cap (2) and add gasoline to fill
the tank.
the discharge pressure gage valve (4) to operate the
indicator shows red, the air cleaner requires servicing.
way and operate the pump at maximum governed
2-5. Stopping
speed. Depending on pumping conditions, the pump
may not start pumping immediately, since it is
necessary for the suction line to fill with water. If after a
Do not stop the engine by pulling out the
reasonable time the pump fails to pump, check the
choke. This floods the cylinders with
suction line carefully for leaks. A small air leak will
raw gasoline, which washes away the
greatly reduce pumping efficiency under any conditions
lubricants and makes the engine
and especially when operating under a high suction lift.
susceptible to wear.
c. After the pump starts pumping, as indicated by
a. If the engine has been running hard, do not stop
a reading on the discharge pressure gage, adjust the
it abruptly. Reduce the engine speed to a high idle for
flow by operating the throttle control on the control panel
several minutes before stopping. This will distribute
to obtain the desired pumping rate.
engine heat, minimizing the danger of valve warpage
d. Check the pump for any unusual or excessive
and other internal damage.
b. Turn ignition switch OFF. Engine should stop
vibration. If excessive vibration is noticed, stop the
pump immediately. Correct or refer the problem to the
next higher level of maintenance. Vibration usually
occurs when the pump or connecting lines are not
OFF. Turn fuel source selector valve (5, fig. 2-2) OFF.
properly supported, alined, or secured.
2-6. Operation in Extreme Cold
a. Drain the pump. Keep free of ice and snow at
coldest conditions likely to be encountered.
d. Keep the fuel tank filled when the pump is not in
all times when not in use. Cover it when not in use and,
if possible, provide some shelter from the weather.
use. This will prevent moisture from condensing in the
b. Use a hydrometer to ensure that the engine
fuel system. Moisture in the fuel system can freeze and
clog lines, filters, and carburetor jets, preventing fuel
coolant has sufficient antifreeze to prevent freezing at
from reaching the engine.
the lowest temperature expected.
e. Check the specific gravity of the batteries and
c. Refer to the current lubrication order (fig. 3 1) to
make sure that they remain fully charged.
determine the proper grade of engine lubricant for the
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