![]() rh ................................ ..... right hand
The following publication pertains to the
sp ................................ .... spool
pump and its components:
std ................................ ... standard
TM 5-4320-225-230P
thd ................................ ... thread (s) (ed)
Organizational maintenance repair
thk ................................ ... .thick (ness)
parts and special tool lists.
u/w................................ ... used with
w................................ ...... wide (width)
How to Locate Repair Parts
w/................................ ..... with
yd ................................ .... yard
When Federal stock number or reference
number is unknown:
Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers
(1) First.
Using the table of contents,
determine the functional group within which the repair
part belongs.
00000 .............
Ordnance Corps
00874 .............
Ajax Flexible Coupling Co. Inc.
03476 .............
Texoma Industries Inc.
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering
05748 .............
Barnes Mfg. Co.
the functional group to which the repair part belongs.
08288 .............
Military Supply Standards
09367 .............
Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co.
(3) Third. Identify the repair part on the
10941 .............
Carver Pump Co.
illustration, and note the illustration figure and item
11083 .............
Caterpillar Tractor Co.
number of the repair part.
14100 .............
Sttromberg-Carlson A Division of General
(4) Fourth. Using the repair parts listing,
14351 .............
Continental Motors Corp.
find the functional group to which the repair part belongs
14655 .............
Cornell-Dubiller Electric Corp.
and locate the illustration figure and item number noted
15605 .............
Cutler-Hammer Inc.
15748 .............
Potential Inc.
on the illustration.
16764 .............
Delco Remy Division of General Motors
When Federal stock number or reference
18163 .............
Dole Valve Co.
number is known:
18876 .............
Army Missile Command
19728 .............
Prestolite Co. The
(1) First. Using the index of federal stock
23040 .............
Ford Motor Co. Parts And Accessories
numbers and reference numbers, find the pertinent
federal stock number or reference number. This index
24617 .............
General Motor Corp.
is in ascending alphanumeric sequence cross-
24981 .............
Gits Bros. Mfg., Co.
referenced to an index number.
24681 .............
Goulds Pumps Inc.
28265 .............
Hercules Engine Division Of Hupp Corp.
28835 .............
Hobart Brothers
(2) Second. Using the repair part listing,
30327 .............
Imperial-Eastman Corp.
find the index number referenced in the index of Federal
31017 .............
International Harvest Co.
stock numbers and reference numbers.
31435 .............
Lear Siegler Inc. Aerospace Division
39215 .............
McCord Corp.
13334 .............
New Departure Division of General Motors
amps................................ ampere (s)
43152 .............
Oshkosh Motor Trucks Inc.
cl................................ ...... coil
50309 .............
Reiner John And Co. Inc.
Corp................................ . Corporation
57733 .............
Stewart-Warner Corp.
dia................................ .... diameter
61349 .............
United States Gauge Division of Ametek
ea ................................ .... each
ft ................................ ...... foot (feet)
6f1864 ............
United-Carr Fastener Corp.
gal................................ .... gallon
66859 .............
Yates-American Machine Co.
grp ................................ ... group
71040 .............
A C Spark Plug, Division of General Motors
h ................................ ...... high (height)
hd ................................ .... head
71724 .............
Crane Packing Co.
id. ................................ .... inside diameter (s)
73370 .............
Fram Corp.
in ................................ ..... inch (es)
74400 .............
Hobbs John W. Corp.
Ig ................................ ..... long (length)
75833 .............
Lincoln Brass Works Inc.
mtg ................................ .. mounting
76040 .............
Mack Truck Inc.
no ................................ .... number (s)
76446 .............
Monarch Governor Co.
od ................................ .... outside diameter
77820 .............
Bendix Corp. The Electrical Components
psi................................ .... pounds per square inch
rd ................................ ..... round
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