![]() (2) Maintenance Code, indicates the low-
column indicates the quantity of the item used
in the functional group.
est category of maintenance authorized to in-
stall the listed item. The maintenance level
g. Fifteen-Day Organizational Maintenance
code is:
Allowance, Column (4) of Section II and Col-
umn (7) of Section III and IV.
(1) The allowance columns are divided
(3) Recoverability
into four subcolumns. Indicated in each sub-
whether unserviceable items should be re-
column is the total quantity of items authorized
for the number of equipments supported. Items
turned for recovery or salvage. Items not coded
authorized for use as required but not for inital
are expendable. Recoverability codes are:
stockage are identified with an asterisk in the
allowance column.
(2) The quantitative allowances for or-
ganizational level of maintenance represents
one initial prescribed load for a 15-day period
for the number of equipments supported.
Units and organizations authorized additional
prescribed loads will multiply the number of
prescribed loads authorized by the quantity of
repair parts reflected in the appropriate den-
sity column applicable to the number of items
supported to obtain the total quantity of re-
pair parts authorized.
(3) Organizational
(4) This column also lists, below the SMR
maintenance for more than 100 of these equip-
code, an index number for each item in as-
ments shall determine the total quantity of
cending numerical sequence, which is used to
parts required by converting the equipment
locate items in the publication when the Fed-
quantity to a decimal factor by placing a dec-
eral stock number and/or reference number is
imal point before the next to last digit of the
number to indicate hundredths, and multiply-
ing the decimal factor by the parts quantity
b. Federal Stock Number: This column in-
authorized in the 51-100 allowance column.
dicates the Federal stock number for the item.
Example, authorized allowance for 51-100
equipments is 40; for 150 equipments multi-
c. Description: This column indicates the
ply 40 by 1.50 or 60 parts required.
Federal item name and any additional descrip-
tion of the item required. A part number or
(4) Subsequent changes to allowances
other reference number is followed by the ap-
will be limited as follows: No change in the
plicable five-digit Federal supply code for
range of items is authorized. If additional
manufactures in parentheses. Repair parts
items are considered necessary, recommenda-
quantities included in the kits, sets, and as-
tion should be forwarded to U.S. Army Mobil-
semblies are shown in front of the repair part
ity Equipment Command for exception or re-
name. Material required for manufacture or
vision to the allowance list. Revisions to the
fabrication is identified.
range of items authorized will be made by
this Command based upon engineering exper-
d. Unit of Issue: This column indicates the
ience, demand data. or TAERS information.
unit used as a basis for issue, e.g., ea, pr, ft,
yd, etc.
h. Illustration, Column (8). This column
is divided as follows:
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack:
(1) Figure Number Column (8a). Indi-
This column indicates the actual quantity con-
cates the figure number of the illustration in
tained in the unit pack.
which the item is shown.
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit: This
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