1. Scope
may be necessary to push the hooks
This manual describes the M1 liquid gas hoisting
upward into the space between the
beam and provides instructions for its operation and
hooks can pass the pins. Raise beam by
operating hoist. Raising beam will move
2. Appendixes
hooks until weight of container is carried
by studs, and pins lock hooks in place.
II contains the maintenance allocation chart.
(2) Disconnecting the hoisting beam. Lower
1-ton container to a support and lower
beam until it rest on container. Unclamp
For repair parts, see TM 3-662-15P.
hooks from rims of container by moving
them outward. It may be necessary to
3. Record and Report Form
push the hooks upward into the space
Forms listed and described below will be used in
between the channels while moving them
connection with the equipment.
the pins. When hooks are free, lower
a. DA Form 468 (Unsatisfactory Equipment
beam to support and disconnect adapter
Report). This form is used for reporting manufacturing,
from hoist.
design, or operational defects in equipment with a view
to correcting such defects.
It is also used for
7. Operator Maintenance
recommending modifications of materiel.
a. Preventative Maintenance Services. Inspect the
b. DD Form 6 (Report of Damaged or Improper
beam before and after operation for damage to the
Shipment). This form is used for reporting damages
hoisting adapter (7, fig. 2), the hoist hooks (9), the
incurred in shipment.
channels (8), and other parts. Clean any dirt from the
unit before using. Do not use a damaged beam, but
4. Use
replace the entire unit. Turn in any beam in need of
The M1 liquid gas tank hoisting beam (fig. 1) provides
repair or painting to organizational maintenance
a means for attaching a hoist to a 1-ton container.
b. Lubrication. Lubricate at least once a month or
5. Description
as required.
Apply chain-wire rope-exposed gear
The hoisting beam is 81 inches long and weighs 150
lubricating oil (CW) to hoist hooks (9), studs (10), and
pounds. It consists of two structural steel channels with
straight pins (11).
hoist hooks (9, fig. 2) pivoted at the ends, and a hoisting
adapter (7) between them at the center. The channels,
separated by spacers (6), are bolted together to form the
8. Organizational Maintenance
hoisting beam. Each hook is pivoted on a stud (10)
a. Repair. Replace all damaged parts except the
which is bolted to the two channels. A straight pin (11)
channels (8, fig. 2). If channels can no longer be used,
at each end of the beam locks each hook against the
the entire hoisting beam should be turned in for salvage.
rim of a 1-ton container while the container is being
To replace parts, disassemble and assemble the beam
in the following manner.
(1) Disassembly.
6. Operating Instructions
(a) Remove 6 cap screws (4 and 5), 6
a. Service upon Receipt of Equipment. Unpack
nuts (12 and 13), and 4 spacers (6).
the hoisting beam from its wood packing case and
(b) Remove 4 nuts (2), 4 flat washers
inspect for missing or damaged parts. Tighten loose
(3), and 4 cotter pins (1). The
cap screws and be sure the hooks pivot easily on the
straight pins (11), the studs (10), the
hoist hooks (9), and the hoisting
b. Operation.
adapter (7) can now be removed.
(1) Connecting the hoisting beam.
(2) Assembly.
After replacing damaged
hoisting adapter to hook on hoist and
parts, assemble the beam in reverse
lower beam until it rests on container.
order of disassembly.
Clamp hooks over rims of container. It