gram and are to be used in accordance with AR 708-15.
d. Description.
The approved Federal item
(a) Quantity of equipment supported = 50
name appears in upper case (capital) letters.
Allowance factor = 1.7 per 100
Modifiers necessary for proper identification appear in
Authorized quantity = 50 X 1.7 = .85
lower case (small) letters.
Unit of Issue. The unit of issue for each item
This quantity is greater than 0.5 and less
listed is indicated in this column.
than 1.0; therefore, the authorized
quantity is 1.
Expendability. The symbol NX indicates that
(b) Quantity of equipment supported = 103
an item is nonexpendable. When no symbol appears,
the item is expendable.
Allowance factor = 4.1 per 100
Quantity per Unit. Quantities listed in this
Authorized quantity = 103 X 4.1
column represent the actual quantity of the repair part
used in the group, section, assembly, or subassembly
= 4.223
If a repair part has more than one
The decimal portion is less than 0.5;
application, the quantity per unit becomes the total
therefore, the authorized quantity is 4.
quantity per equipment and is indicated only in the initial
(5) Allowance numbers in the fifth echelon
appearance of the part. This column remains blank in
all subsequent appearances of the repair part. Unless
recommended for the overhaul of 100
otherwise indicated, the unit of measure applicable to
major components and/or end items.
the quantity per unit is the same as the unit of issue.
(6) An asterisk appearing in an allowance
h. Allowances.
column indicates that the item may be
(1) The quantitative allowances for second
requisitioned for immediate usage by the
echelon maintenance represent one
echelon indicated,. but stockage of the
prescribed load for a 15-day period for the
item by that echelon is not initially
number of major items supported.
Authorized quantities must be on hand or
(7) The allowance quantities for a repair part
on order at all times.
with more than one application are
Major commanders will determine the
indicated only in the initial appearance of
number of prescribed loads that second
the part.
echelon units and organizations will carry.
i. Illustrations. This column contains the figure
Units and organizations authorized
number of each illustration and the item number of that
additional prescribed loads will multiply
illustration for indicated repair parts.
the number of equipments supported by
the number-of prescribed loads and then
3. Abbreviations
use the appropriate equipment density
The abbreviations used herein are defined as follows:
column to obtain the stockage level.
cad......................... cadmium
Number of equipments supported
dia.......................... diameter
= 30
dim......................... dimensional
Number of prescribed loads = X3
ea .......................... each
h ............................ high/height
Equipment density 51-100 = X2
in............................ inch(es)
Authorized quantity
lg............................ long/length
min......................... minimum
(3) To compute an authorized quantity for
NC ......................... American National Course Thread
third and fourth echelon, multiply the
nom ....................... nominal
number of equipments supported by the
NX.......................... nonexpendable
allowance factor and divide this product
o/a ......................... over-all
by 100.
The result, rounded to the
pltd......................... plated
nearest whole number, is the authorized
AGO 8474A