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TM 10-5430-242-12&P
MALFUNCTION Occurs when a unit fails to operate normally.
MANUFACTURER The company which makes an item or piece of equipment for sale.
MATERIEL Equipment, apparatus, and supplies of an organization such as an army.
RECOMMENDATIONS Suggestions for change; advice given usually to make an improvement.
REQUIRE To demand or need.
SCOPE The extent of an activity or concept; the amount of information covered as in a book.
SOLVENT A liquid that can dissolve another substance.
TORQUE Force around an axis. It produces a rotary or twisting motion, and is measured in inch-
pounds (in-lb), foot-pounds (ft-lb), or newton-meters (Nm).
VENTILATE To provide with a source of fresh or uncontaminated air.
VISUAL Visible; detected by the unaided eye.