![]() TM 10-5430-239-12&P
MALFUNCTION - Occurs when a unit fails to operate normally.
MANUFACTURER - The company, which makes an item or piece of equipment for sale.
MATERIEL - Equipment, apparatus, and supplies of an organization, such as an army.
RECOMMENDATIONS - Suggestions for change; advice given usually to make an improvement.
REQUIRE - To demand or need.
SCOPE - The extent of an activity or concept; the amount of information covered, as in a book.
SOLVENT - A liquid that can dissolve another substance.
TORQUE - Force around an axis. It produces a rotary or twisting motion, and is measured in foot-pounds
(ft-lb) or Newton-meters (Nm).
VENTILATE - To provide with a source of fresh or uncontaminated air.
VISUAL - Visible; detected by the unaided eye.
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