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(3) Open valve (8) and valve (6) in the hose line between the fuel transporters (or pipeline) and the selected fuel
storage tank (1) to permit flow of fuel to that tank.
Fuel tanks can be badly damaged by overfilling them. Fuel is normally pumped
into one tank at a time while remaining valves (3) leading to the other tanks in the
FSSP are closed to reduce possible damage to fuel tanks.
(4) Refer to applicable pump assembly technical manual and start operation of pump assembly (10).
(5) When all fuel is transferred from transporter, or tanks are full, shut down the pump assembly (10) and close
butterfly valves (14), three valves (6), and valve (8).
b. Fuel Dispensing. Perform the following steps for dispensing fuel:
Death or serious injury can occur from exploding fuel ignited by static electric
discharge. Before operating the FSSP, be sure that all components are properly
DEATH or SEVERE INJURY can occur from fire and explosion of fuels. To avoid
fire and explosion during operation of the FSSP:
DO NOT allow any flame producing material within 100 feet of the FSSP.
DO NOT smoke or allow smoking during refueling operations.
DO NOT allow fuel to drip onto hot surfaces.
DO NOT refuel equipment while its engine is running.
Spilled fuel can ignite or explode and cause serious injury or death to operating
personnel. ALL valves are to remain in the closed position unless one of the
following steps specifically instructs you to open a particular valve.
Be sure that fire extinguishing equipment is available and operational.
Fuel is normally drawn from one tank (1) at a time while valves (3) and (6) leading
to other tanks (1) in the system are closed to minimize friction loss and reduction in
pumping capacity. Fuel is normally dispensed through only one filter/separator for
the same reason.