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TM  10-4930-229-12&P NOTE Periodically during operation, check the differential pressure indicator (see figure 2-3). If reading is red, shutdown the equipment and replace filter elements (refer to TM  5-4330-217-12&P).  Monitor  the  sight  gage  during  and  after  pumping  operation. Drain off water when ball float rises halfway up in gage. c. Bonding and Grounding Procedures. Refer to figure 2-4. WARNING DEATH  or serious injury may result if proper bonding and grounding procedures are not followed prior to operating the equipment. NOTE Bonding is the process that equalizes the charge on two unlike objects such as an aircraft and a refueling nozzle. It is done in order to prevent arcing, in the presence of flammable vapors, as the two objects are joined. (1) Extend the grounding cable from the nozzle so it can be inserted into the vehicle/aircraft receptacle (if present). Otherwise, attach the grounding clip to a bare metal surface of the receiving vehicle/ aircraft. Bond before the dust cap or gas tank cap is removed to prevent a spark occurring when fuel vapor is present. Do not disconnect the bond until refueling is complete and the gas tank cap and nozzle dust cap are replaced. NOTE Aircraft equipped with closed-circuit refueling receivers are refueled by attaching the nozzle to the fitting mounted on the aircraft fuel tank. Aircraft and other vehicles not equipped with closed-circuit refueling receivers are refueled by connecting the gravity-fill  adapter  to  the  nozzle. (2) When refueling operations are completed, stop the engine in accordance with TM 9-2805-257-14. Hang nozzle and gravity-fill adapter on ground rod hangers. Do not lay nozzle or adapter on the ground. (3) Drain water from filter/separator. Leave vent open during shutdown unless possibility of contamination  exists. (4) Perform necessary After (A) PMCS (paragraph 2-5). d. Filling a 500-GalIon Collapsible Drum. The piping diagram (figure 2-5) shows the FARE pumping fuel from an alternate fuel source to a 500-gallon (1892.5 liter) collapsible drum. Set up as shown, the FARE requires a minimum of 2 men to operate, one man to act as a pump tender and a second man to dispense fuel into containers. Setting up the equipment for a filling operation is essentially the same as for a fueling operation, except for the specific selection of components for its configuration. Proceed as follows: (1)  Position  pump/engine  (1,  figure  2-5)  and  filter/separator  (2)  assembly,  suction  hoses  (3)  and  adapter (4). Remove dust caps and plugs, ensure gasket is in place and connect components. Change 3    2-12.1 /(2-12.2  blank)

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