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TM 10-4320-351-14
When installing stop pin, position the coupling body with the inlet toward you and
rotated so hole for stop pin is at the bottom. Install the stop pin in the hole with
the half shaft to your left. After stop pin installation, depress lock pin to ensure it
can be fully depressed into the cavity.
Install O-ring (12) in groove on stop pin (10).
Position wave washer (11) on stop pin and install stop pin (10).
When installing the ball in the valve body some movement of the ball and valve
lever arm may be necessary align the stop pin, lever arm shaft and the ball.
Install ball (9) in 2 inch valved unisex coupling (3).
Install dust cap (2) on 2 inch valved unisex coupling (3).
All control box components with the exception of the voltage regulator are mounted on the rear of the control panel.
Access is most convenient if the control box is removed from the accessory module to a work bench. However, all control
box components may be tested, removed and replaced with the box installed in the module, using the storage chest
surface for a work space. Figure 5-9 is a front and rear view of control panel component location, applicable to all control
panel repair procedures in this chapter. For clarity, wiring is not shown.
Figure 5-9. Control Panel Component Location