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TM 10-4320-324-14
Install plate (44)
with washer (43), screw (42), lockwasher (41), and nut (40).
Install cover plate (39) with two washers (38) and two screws (37).
Install air outlet frame (33) with two lockwashers (36), two flat washers (35), and five screws (34).
Install air outlet (32) to air outlet frame (33) with seven screws (31), seven flat washers (30), seven
lockwashers (29), and seven nuts (28).
Install covers (26 and 27) with four screws (25).
Install cover (24) with two screws (23).
Install rubber grommet (22).
Install air duct wall (21)
with washer (20), lockwasher (19), and screw (18).
Install screw (17), lockwasher (16), and washer (15).
Install four screws (14), four lockwashers (13), and four washers (12).
Install tube extension (11) and clamp (10).