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3-9. Suspension and Packing Kits.
This task covers: Replace
For Model ADC-1200, components of the suspension kit and packing kit
are stored in one chest assembly. For Models 1461 and FIHK-100,
components of the suspension kit and packing kit are stored in two
separate chest assemblies. Replacement of kit components in each chest
assembly is the same.
Remove all components of the suspension and packing kits from their chest assembly.
Inspect all components of the kits and replace any damaged components.
3-10. Suspension and Packing Kit Chest Assemblies
This task covers: Replace
R e p l a c e .
For Model ADC-1200, components of the suspension kit and packing kit
are stored in one chest assembly. For Models 1461 and FIHK-100
components of the suspension kit and packing kit are stored in two
separate chest assemblies. Replacement of each chest assembly is the
Remove and store compoennts of suspension and packing kits from the chest assembly and
store kits.
Inspect chest assembly for damage. Replace chest assembly if damaged and notify
m a i n t e n a n c e.
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