![]() purging. Under no circumstances will repair on fuel tank
mediately in order to retard the process of interior
begin until declared safe by safety personnel.
d. Only competent personnel thoroughly instructed
7. Alternate Procedure for Purging. a. Drain fuel
in the proper handling and reading of the vapor indicating
and remove fuel tank from vehicle. Exercise normal
instruments (explosion meter) will perform vapor tests.
precautions in handling since tank will still contain
e. Personnel engaged in purging operations will:
explosive vapors.
(1) Not wear wool, nylon, silk, rayon or other
b. Remove all fittings and fuel inlet cap. Retain for
clothing having a tendency to generate static electricity.
(2) Wear clean cotton clothing with no metal
c. Use alkali steam cleaning and hot water flushing
buttons or fittings. Remove all contents from pockets.
for approximately 10 minutes, inserting hose end into
(3) Wear rubber boots.
tank openings on both sides of baffles.
This is
(4) Use cotton waste for cleaning purposes.
necessary to purge fuel vapors, all oil or sludge (if
Other material may generate static electricity.
present), contaminants, and loose rust.
d. Conduct a combustible vapor test reading to
determine if fuel tank is safe to repair, clean, paint, store
6. Prepare and Clean for Purging of Fuel Tanks. a.
or change material.
Completely drain each fuel tank compartment, all piping,
pumps, meters, filters, and segregators, as applicable,
and remove all accessory items, such as gages and
8. Rust Removal Procedure. a. Remove rust from
floats, which might entrap fuel.
tank, utilizing an alkaline electrolytic immersion rust
b. Close or seal all drains. (It may be necessary to
removal system (see table 1). The alkaline chemical
locally fabricate covers for some types of drains, but do
compound shall be a sodium hydroxide base and shall
not create a vacuum.)
not contain any cyanide compound. It shall conform to
c. Fill fuel tank and overflow for 5 minutes with cold
Type I of Spec MIL-C- 14460 or commercial equivalent.
water. Drain fuel tank completely.
(1) Stack small tanks upside down in basket.
d. Close or seal drains.
Large tanks can be suspended on hooks. Position with
e. For each 100-gallon capacity, add 40-fluid ounces
the drain opening in uppermost position to purge all air
of alkaline electrolytic sodium hydroxide base to the fuel
from tank. When immersed, insure that no air pockets
tank. (This is equivalent to 8-fluid ounces of concentrate
remain. Solution must be in contact with metal surfaces
for a 20-gallon fuel tank.)
to remove rust.
(2) Immerse tank in bath until all rust is removed.
This should range from 45 minutes to 1l/2 hours
Insufficient amount of chemical will result
depending on rust stage.
in an incomplete purging.
(3) Remove tanks from bath and suspend
computations of amount of chemical to be
basket above bath until all solution is drained. A
added must be made prior to the purging.
temporary rust-inhibiting powder residue will protect the
Once purging has begun, do not stop until
tank from rusting again until the powder is removed by
process is complete.
water rinse. Inspect to insure all rust is removed.
f. Fill fuel tank to top with water-do not overflow.
b. Water rinse and air dry (preferably forced warm
g. Insert air line into fuel tank filler neck opening and
air) the tank interiors. Inspect to insure tank interior is
agitate solution with 3 to 5 psi of air for 5 minutes.
dry. This operation shall be performed immediately
Frequently move air hose around in tanks, covering as
preceding coating application.
much area as possible, especially near the bottom and
c. Alternate methods of rust removal are acceptable,
around baffles. Remove air line and drain solution from
provided they receive prior approval from the
fuel tank.
Maintenance Directorate (NMP), US Army Tank-
h. Fill fuel tank and overflow for 5 minutes with
Automotive Materiel Readiness Command, Warren, MI
cold water or until water is clear. Drain fuel tank com-
9. Coating Application Instructions. Prior to coating
i. Conduct a combustible vapor test reading to
application the following precautions will be used.
determine if fuel tank is safe to repair, clean, paint, store
Coating contains flammable and volatile
or change material. If combustible vapor test reading
indicates tank is not safe, repeat procedures as cited in h
solvents. Keep away from open sparks and flame.
Comply with all local safety regulations and
manufacturer's instructions.
j. Fuel tanks installed on vehicles will be processed
Health Precautions. Use adequate ventilation and avoid
as cited above, with exception of disconnecting and
repeated or prolonged breathing of vapors and prolonged
plugging the fuel line at the fuel tank. If fuel tank repairs
contact with skin. When using solvents for cleanup, use
are to be made, work must be started im-
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